Wednesday, February 24, 2010

How to get black long hair? what are the natural ingredients to be applied?

Don't use shampoo to wash your hair. Take 3 or 4 spoon of fenugreek (should be soaked in water before going to bed), 1 Egg, little bit henna, more Curry leaves, hibiscus leaves and also flowers, grind these things in the mixie. apply it on your hair before taking bath. Soak it for half an hour. And then take bath. If you do regularly, you can have long and black hair. This is from my experience. Take one or two times in a week. Curry leaves improve your black colour of your hair. So add curry leaves in your food. Eat properly. Eat lot of green leaves. If you take more Zinc, the hair will be good. In green leaves and vegetables we have more Zinc.How to get black long hair? what are the natural ingredients to be applied?
well for black long hair apply olive oil at least 2-3 day a week and tie them properly. apply amla retha shikakai by mixing them in curd

head massage is must, go for it at leat twice a week.

exercise- it is s main ingrediant for good hair and stay fit.

wash your hair 2-3 days a week with mind shampoo.

also you can apply honey with banana and let them stay for half a hour

make sure that you go on a healthy diet. incluse proteins and other hair strenghting nutrients such as vit B and essential fatty acids.

drink at least 8 glasses of water to keep your hair healthy+ these things will not only give life to your hair bt also they will make sure that you stay fitHow to get black long hair? what are the natural ingredients to be applied?
Hi Friend, You can apply coconut milk, henna, lemon, Curd with methi to your hair all these make your hair so beautiful.

coconut milk adds glow and straighten your hair.

Lemon removes dust from your scalp.

Curd and methi adds thickness to your hair.

Henna, adds glow and more and more ...

first condition to get healthy hair is to take balanced diet.lots of fruits, vegges and milk

second is to wash hair with following:_

amla powder-2 tsp

shikkakai powder- 2 tsp

Retha powder- 1 tsp

bahera powder- 1 tsp

soak these over night and next morning put a handful of neem leaves in it and bring to boil.

use it it to wash hair after sieving it through a cloth

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